Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ On tHe waY tO the FUtuRe Ⓛⓞⓥⓔ
THe waY tO thE FutURe iS nOt thaT eaSY...Am I weaK..? No, I dOn't thinK sO..
hOweVer, ...........I wannA BE thEre wheRe I desiRe to StaY...
IF I cOulD chOose, I wouldn't be herE fOr mY parents. I waNna bE thEre whEre I wiSh
tO staY; tO liVE.....I Can'T beAr tO sEe myseLf liKe thiS sOmetimeS...
TheRe iS a plaCe I gO tO wheN everythinG getS harD; whEn somEthinG I neVer gEt
through; sOmething I diSregarD...AlL thE feAR, about LDR, future, and scares of my LifE..
YoU have beeN thEre fOr mE siNCe tHat TImE.....
At LeaSe, I haVe thE laSt plaCe WherE I caN gO tO...When eVerythiNG getS slOw or gets darK..
I thiNk oF onLy yOur faCe exCept mySelf...thIs plaCe kEepS saNity, aNd iT's My oNly hOpe to
thiNK aNd reaLize thE pOwer I haVe. I dOn't neEd to Wander On mY miNd, bUt alsO tO
bE prePareD! I haVe thiS PlaCe wheRe mY thOughts CaN leAve Me aNd gO awAy..