
天氣還是不好   開著車 聽著我最愛ㄉ音樂ˋ

                                                                         新燒ㄉㄧ片CD  絕大多數是HipHop & NEW JAZZㄉmusic... 開心 簡單 ㄉㄧ天

                                                                           心情好  ~  多采多姿 ㄉ生活   獨特

                                                                                                              ❤   MaGgiE  ❤

                                                                         It's the VS semi-annual sale...ㅋㅋㅋ ...大買特買 YA!!!  Time to shopping~

                                       For my B.D. ~ over USD$400...great birthday gifts from you.

Let's Go Back There
It used to be mugs of Iced Caramel Latte and tasty cookies
and the scent of lighted candles .....
It used to be warm and slow and cozy.....
Let's go back there
Let's not be too busy to see
the wonder of my Life...Maggie's colorful life.~
Let's not miss the warmth of the season
and the joy.....

When I ask myself...where to go next?? I found the answer...
To the the way I love to be...((my style is rather unique..^,^""))
When I ask myself.....
Will there be a way out of the fog.....
Sure...there's always a way right there for me...
So here I am looking around for a guiding light. 

M's style is my own style.^^

I will be Happy because I am a Happy girl...coz I have the best memory in my mind.  
and everything I own ...

I am happy not because of anyone but because of myself.

I see there is a bridge across the river ...

You have told me...
"Don't look down into the water running wild ..

Step by step,,,,, you'll cross
if you believe that you are not alone."

 오빠...고마워요...나는 행복하게 느낀다 ...

 ㅋㅋㅋ ...A Za A Za Fighting~


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